Catalogue metadata changes

Following publication of a metadata record within the CEDA data catalogue change requests should consider the following principals:

  1. Generally, content should not change once published as it should reflect the state of play at the time of publication.
  2. Fields pertaining to citation content (publisher, authors, title, date of publication, DOI details) should NOT change
  3. Changes to other metadata should by agreement between the original depositors/data owners and the archive. Requests from third parties will ordinarily not be supported unless agreed to by the original depositors/data owners.
  4. The archive may make additional informative changes as required to aid long-term understandability of the archived material or associated metadata.
  5. Such changes should be to augment data usage only or be specifically related to the material.
  6. All changes should be in alignment with existing guidelines, conditions, Data Management Plans and Policies (e.g. Withdrawal Policy).
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