This is a simple command line tool to do the basic deposit step of ingesting the data. If your data is prepared and is ready in a cache directory (like /datacentre/processing3) then this is all you need.
(ingest) [badc@ingest1 test]$ cedaarchive mkdir /badc/.testing/mydata (ingest) [badc@ingest1 test]$ cedaarchive -v deposit x.txt /badc/.testing/mydata/ ('deposit', {'readme': False, 'src': '/datacentre/processing3/spepler/test/x.txt', 'dst': '/badc/.testing/mydata/', 'force': False, 'strict_names': True}) (ingest) [badc@ingest1 test]$ cedaarchive -v deposit y.txt /badc/.testing/mydata/ ('deposit', {'readme': False, 'src': '/datacentre/processing3/spepler/test/y.txt', 'dst': '/badc/.testing/mydata/', 'force': False, 'strict_names': True}) (ingest) [badc@ingest1 test]$ ls -l /badc/.testing/mydata/ total 64 -rw-r----- 1 badc byacl 24 Sep 26 15:23 x.txt -rw-r----- 1 badc byacl 24 Sep 26 15:23 y.txt
Use cedaarchive -h to list all functions and give more detailed help.
(ingest) [badc@ingest1 test]$ cedaarchive -h usage: cedaarchive [-h] [-v] [-t] [-f] [-s] [-i] [-r] [--readme] {deposit,remove,mkdir,makedirs,rmdir,remove_list,rdeposit,symlink} ... CEDA Archive deposit command line script for interactive interaction with the archive. positional arguments: {deposit,remove,mkdir,makedirs,rmdir,remove_list,rdeposit,symlink} sub-command help deposit Deposit a single file ...
The following tools also perform the deposit actions. Use the -h option to find out more.
- archive_deposit
- archive_mkdir
- archive_remove
- archive_remove_list
- archive_symlink
Clearly archive_remove and archive_remove_list should be used with care. If you need to remove a lot of files then the following can be done to recursively delete files.
(ingest) [badc@ingest1 test]$ find /badc/.testing/mydata /badc/.testing/mydata /badc/.testing/mydata/x.txt /badc/.testing/mydata/y.txt (ingest) [badc@ingest1 test]$ find /badc/.testing/mydata |sort -r | archive_remove_list (ingest) [badc@ingest1 test]$ ls -l /badc/.testing/mydata ls: cannot access /badc/.testing/mydata: No such file or directory<br>