Dataset quality statement templates
Here a few example data quality statements are provided:
- The data are made available as provided by the project.
- The data were quality controlled by the data provider (see documentation).
- The data have been quality controlled by the project team, the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) have performed additional quality control to meet international standards. (GAP - what are these standards? we'd need to reference them somehow if we make this statement)
GAP - 1 and 2 we should also state that CEDA have not undertaken any quality control on the data themselves.
GAP . - also need to be explicit that the level of QC on the data is unknown... e.g. for 1:
1. The data are provided as-is with no quality control undertaken by the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA). The data suppliers have not indicated if any quality control has been undertaken on these data.