Data Tools: preparation, visualisation


This page links to information about software utilities that are either provided by the CEDA or are freely available from elsewhere. Please note that much of the available software is documented within the individual dataset documentation and software directories.


Software packages not described elsewhere on our website are listed below:

  • Xconv/Convsh - for format conversion, simple display, grid interpolation and subsetting. Xconv/Convsh reads Met Office PP and UM formats, GRIB, NetCDF, GrADS and DRS.
  • CEDA Web Processing Service (WPS) - A web tool of data processing and subsetting services.
  • Deprecated: 'Using IDL in Meteorology' ** NCAS-CMS have shifted to using Python so this guide is no longer current.
    This 133 page guide written by NCAS-CMS is a good starting point to using IDL. It includes many example plots and tips on using IDL.
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