Access to the general CEDA archive via FTP is no longer available. However, the FTP server anon-ftp.ceda.ac.uk contains a selection of CEDA datasets that do not require a CEDA account to access. To use this service please login to the server with username 'anonymous'. The data available via this server are:
FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It has been a standard for transferring files between computer systems since the 1970's. There are a large number of FTP client apps designed to help with bulk transfer of data. Despite its age, the protocol is still used because of its simplicity and convenience.
Search the web for more information on FTP client apps or information on the protocol itself.
Getting started with FTP
There are a number of ways to start using FTP to download our data.
- Find a good FTP app: We recommend Filezilla as a good fully featured FTP client.
- At the command line: An FTP command line client is often bundled with the operating system. Type ftp at the command prompt, and press enter.
- From a script: There are libraries in all major programming languages to use FTP. We have put together a short guide on using FTP within Perl or Python scripts available.
- Using a web browser. On some web browsers you may be able to use ftp by going to the url ftp://anon-ftp.ceda.ac.uk However, most browsers have now removed ftp support, so this may not work for you.